
################################################ # Module: # Created: 21 April 2009 # Author: Daniel Thompson # # Version: 0.2 # License: GPLv3 # '''Provides a serial connection abstraction layer for use with Arduino "MultipleSteppers" sketch. ''' ################################################ import motor import serial #setup the serial port usbport = 'COM4' ser = serial.Serial(usbport, 115200, timeout=1) # convert a decimal (denary, base 10) integer to a binary string (base 2) def d2b(n): '''convert denary integer n to binary string bStr''' bStr = '' if n < 0: raise ValueError, "must be a positive integer" if n == 0: return '0' while n > 0: bStr = str(n % 2) + bStr n = n >> 1 return bStr '''Returns the number of bit bytes (eighths) in binary string. Always rounds up, never rounds down.''' def binaryCount(number): sNumber = str(number) length = len(sNumber) numBytes = length / 8.0 numBytesInt = length / 8 if numBytes > numBytesInt: return numBytesInt + 1 else: return numBytesInt '''This function gets the first byte, removes it from the string and returns a new value''' def shiftLeft(binary): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 nBinary = motor.d2b(newBinary) print "I took away", firstByte print "And now I'm left with", nBinary return nBinary # Wraps several functions to split # the "steps" integer into bytes ready for sending # Then it write packet header (255) and then # all the other bytes '''The final move command. I combines all the other functions in this module to move the motor to the specified position''' def position(num,degsPerStepFloat,stepsFloat): steps = int(stepsFloat / degsPerStepFloat) if(steps < 65535 and steps > -1): binary = motor.d2b(steps) numBytes = motor.binaryCount(binary) # from the shiftLef def ser.write(chr(255)) # note: the 2 in (0,2,1) is critical for alowing two bytes through every time. for i in range(0,2,1): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 binary = motor.d2b(newBinary) ser.write(chr(firstByte)) if(steps > -65535 and steps < 0): stepsNeg = steps * -1 binary = motor.d2b(stepsNeg) numBytes = motor.binaryCount(binary) # from the shiftLef def ser.write(chr(220)) # note: the 2 in (0,2,1) is critical for alowing two bytes through every time. for i in range(0,2,1): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 binary = motor.d2b(newBinary) ser.write(chr(firstByte)) return stepsFloat Arduino Code ################################################ # Module: # Created: 21 April 2009 # Author: Daniel Thompson # # Version: 0.2 # License: GPLv3 # '''Provides a serial connection abstraction layer for use with Arduino "MultipleSteppers" sketch. ''' ################################################ import motor import serial #setup the serial port usbport = 'COM4' ser = serial.Serial(usbport, 115200, timeout=1) # convert a decimal (denary, base 10) integer to a binary string (base 2) def d2b(n): '''convert denary integer n to binary string bStr''' bStr = '' if n < 0: raise ValueError, "must be a positive integer" if n == 0: return '0' while n > 0: bStr = str(n % 2) + bStr n = n >> 1 return bStr '''Returns the number of bit bytes (eighths) in binary string. Always rounds up, never rounds down.''' def binaryCount(number): sNumber = str(number) length = len(sNumber) numBytes = length / 8.0 numBytesInt = length / 8 if numBytes > numBytesInt: return numBytesInt + 1 else: return numBytesInt '''This function gets the first byte, removes it from the string and returns a new value''' def shiftLeft(binary): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 nBinary = motor.d2b(newBinary) print "I took away", firstByte print "And now I'm left with", nBinary return nBinary # Wraps several functions to split # the "steps" integer into bytes ready for sending # Then it write packet header (255) and then # all the other bytes '''The final move command. I combines all the other functions in this module to move the motor to the specified position''' def position(num,degsPerStepFloat,stepsFloat): steps = int(stepsFloat / degsPerStepFloat) if(steps < 65535 and steps > -1): binary = motor.d2b(steps) numBytes = motor.binaryCount(binary) # from the shiftLef def ser.write(chr(255)) # note: the 2 in (0,2,1) is critical for alowing two bytes through every time. for i in range(0,2,1): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 binary = motor.d2b(newBinary) ser.write(chr(firstByte)) if(steps > -65535 and steps < 0): stepsNeg = steps * -1 binary = motor.d2b(stepsNeg) numBytes = motor.binaryCount(binary) # from the shiftLef def ser.write(chr(220)) # note: the 2 in (0,2,1) is critical for alowing two bytes through every time. for i in range(0,2,1): sBinary = str(binary) firstByte = int(sBinary,2) & int('11111111',2) newBinary = int(sBinary,2) >> 8 binary = motor.d2b(newBinary) ser.write(chr(firstByte)) return stepsFloat

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